Sunday, August 24, 2008

Firenze, Firenze!

Well this is a small unlabeled street map of Firenze, and the area where I'll be spending most of my time. I'll be attending classes at ABC school and living within 15-20 minutes walking distance.

I went to an informational meeting on Saturday the 23rd and met some of the people I'll be schooling with. They warned us women of pick pockets, to heavily guard our purses. Also we'll need to bring toilet paper as some public toilets are kind of like outhouses.

Things I am hoping to do:

  • Go to all the museums I can: Uffizi, Accedemia, the Science Museum, etc.
  • Shop for fresh produce at the markets
  • Attend Sunday Mass once at Il Duomo
  • Acquire recipes from the locals
  • travel on the Italian Coast (esp. Almafi)
  • Go to 1-3 other neighboring or close countries: France, Austria, Spain, Germany, Greece, and Ireland are some of my choices.
  • Speak Italian with some locals
  • Go to a European Chocolate Festival

Well. . . This is it for the time being. I'm sure I'll ad more to my list later!
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